Experienced Las Vegas Divorce Lawyers
Your life is about to change, but with the right counsel, you can reach a divorce settlement that provides the fresh start you deserve. At the Henderson law offices of Smith Jain Stutzman, our Las Vegas divorce attorneys represent individuals throughout the Las Vegas area going through the divorce process. From child custody concerns to marital property division, we put an emphasis on communication, so you will not be confused or fearful about what happens next.
Divorce Representation Tailored To Your Needs And Goals
With over four decades of combined experience handling divorce cases in Nevada, the attorneys at Smith Jain Stutzman, have an in-depth, sophisticated understanding of the process. As a divorce law firm, we recognize the challenges that are common among people facing divorce, primary of which is the well-being of their children, as well as property division. We have a deep understanding and compassion for many nuanced issues, including:
- Business owners worried about damaging an operating business in the property division process.
- Divorced mother with grown children worried about financial security after marriage.
- Divorces that can be handled through mediation of key issues
- Spouses of military personnel nervous about losing military benefits.
- People worried about family money protected by premarital agreements.
Taking the time to listen to your story and explain your options, we will make sure that a comprehensive and fair divorce settlement is reached. Ultimately, the resolution of your divorce focuses on two main points:
- Protection of children: The first thing we will do is come up with a child custody and visitation plan. In some cases, this could include relocation. Once your custody plan is set, we will help you through the child support determination. Our goal is to maintain or improve your existing lifestyle to help children transition to their new living situation.
- Financial security: There are a lot of factors that will affect your financial security. From the division of marital property, to alimony/spousal support, we will make sure you have the resources you need to get a fresh start.
Contact Our Henderson Based Divorce Attorneys
Going through a divorce is difficult, but you do have options. There for you throughout the process, we have the resources you need to move forward. Our Henderson, NV divorce lawyers represent people throughout the Las Vegas area. Contact us today for an initial consultation.