Compassionate Counsel
Tough Advocates

Las Vegas Child Custody Jurisdiction Lawyers

Creating a child custody and visitation plan that works for you, your spouse, and your children is never easy, but it is further complicated by Nevada’s complex law regarding child custody jurisdiction. An experienced family law attorney can help you navigate this system and create a plan that works for your family, regardless of your unique circumstances. At the law offices of Smith Jain Stutzman, we are dedicated to helping clients throughout the greater Las Vegas area with their child custody concerns.

Helping You Understand Child Custody Jurisdiction

Both Nevada and federal law, including the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act affects child custody jurisdiction in Nevada. If your child has lived in another state or you plan on moving to another state, the law addressing child custody jurisdiction will come into play. If divorce and/or paternity are also involved in your case, we are also equipped to help navigate those situations.

Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act

The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act protects against parents’ absconding children and also establishes important rights regarding jurisdiction. Nevada law also contains prohibitions designed to prevent parental kidnapping and/or parents leaving Nevada with children without the other parent’s consent or the court’s permission.

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act

The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, or UCCJEA has been adopted in the state of Nevada. Before the UCCJEA was written in 1968, one parent could take their child out of the state of their initial custody plan in order to obtain a more favorable custody plan in a new state. Instead, the UCCJEA prevents parents from manipulating child custody jurisdiction. It is also important to keep this law in mind for relocation cases.

Contact Us

With over four decades of combined experience helping families reach agreements on child custody plans that comply with both Nevada and national jurisdictional law, we understand what is required to finalize your plan. From our Henderson law offices, we can help you explore your options. Contact our lawyers today for more information.